You smell like Bapple Candy

So the Ben Lee concert this weekend was awesome. I don’t know why the fuck I was going on about the muffin man earlier but forgot to mention BEN LEE. It was so cute and sweet, it was a really great energied, intimate show, and he played the one song that my I have a… Continue reading You smell like Bapple Candy

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Do you know the Muffin Man?

So last night I was seized by an insatiable desire for baked goods containing chocolate so I made some vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting and, first of all, can I just say that I am awesome, and that old axiom about how you should never let a cook bake is bullshit, because I’m great at… Continue reading Do you know the Muffin Man?

Categorized as misc.

Why is it sad?

I am so bothered right now.?? I’ve been in a pissy mood for the past week and it’s part hormonal and part haven’t-slept-well-all-week and part emotional and part just random fluke, but I’m sick of being all pissy.?? Rrr. So my roomie just quoted from her law school text that the case they’re citing is… Continue reading Why is it sad?

Categorized as misc.

chez le chat noir

So my roomie and I are at the Black Cat Cafe, which is sooooo nice and across the streetish from the crowded and difficult Cafe Zoka where there’s never any room which is sad because they have delicious sandwiches and a warm fireplace but it has its flaws, namely one can never find space, and… Continue reading chez le chat noir

Categorized as misc.

Real quick here??? some jokes

So one of the attorneys in my office just sent around a forward in which he converted a bunch of blonde jokes… into Bush jokes.?? Gotta love it.?? Felt the need to share.?? I hadn’t even heard a bunch of these before! Woo, I love a good blonde joke, despite being of the fair-haired persuasion… Continue reading Real quick here??? some jokes

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I can’t believe I actually found a blog site that is called ‘BlogTastic’ – that’s what I was going to name my first entry. So now I don’t have a name for it.

Okay, so it???s been decided. Despite my aversion to the word ???blog??? [1] and the fact that I???ve always regarded ???bloggers??? as narcissistic boring people droning to an imaginary e-audience because they???re just not that captivating to actual live audiences, I am in fact starting my own blog. Whatever could have lead you to that… Continue reading I can’t believe I actually found a blog site that is called ‘BlogTastic’ – that’s what I was going to name my first entry. So now I don’t have a name for it.

Categorized as misc.