You are the bane of my waistline.?? I swear to God, that place is making me so fat! It’s counteracting all the kickboxing and yoga and pilates and jogging (okay, I don’t do nearly enough of those things, granted – but still!) Rrr.?? For the longest time I was “safe” because there was really nothing that *appealed* to me in our food court – but now, there’s you, with your seductively iced cinnamon rolls, your firm yet relenting warm cookies with perfectly melty chips, your Hot Alby Sandwich, fka #30 (Hot tuna salad with cheddar, lettuce, tomato and pickle on a wheat roll – sounds gross, tastes DIVINE).?? How can I POSSIBLY resist you??? This just further ingrains my need to find a new job.?? I have to quit or I’ll get fat.?? But baby, I’ll miss you… SO MUCH! xoxoxoxoxox