Ages ago, I was annoyed by how irritatingly hard it was to pin images to Pinterest on my iPhone. I was essentially pissed that iOS 8 extensions didn’t yet exist. I hacked together my own bookmark link that was a combo of Marco Arment’s Instapaper bookmarklet-adding instructions of yore (something like this), plus whatever code the native “Pin It” bookmarklet generated.
The URL code for my mobile bookmarklet is:
javascript:void((function(d)%7Be=d.createElement('script'); e.setAttribute('type','text/ javascript');e.setAttribute(' charset','UTF-8');e. setAttribute('src','//assets. js?r='+Math.random()*99999999) ;d.body.appendChild(e);%7D( document)));
This code works better than most native “Pin It” buttons on most retailer websites, in my experience. It lets you pick any image on the page instead of forcing just one. I never did bother trying to figure out how to strip stupid retailer default text, but my hope/expectation was that retailers would get less shitty about this over time with increased Pinterest fluency. Ha ha.
I’m only posting this now because I’ve found that so far, Pinterest’s new iOS 8 extension is a bunch of janky bullshit. Here’s hoping that changes soon, but blogging it out there just in case! Let’s all cross our extra 6 Plus long fingers that Pinterest cleans things up before you actually wind up getting frustrated enough to implement this solution. :)
@askvirginia If you have specific feedback or suggestions, drop me a line and I can pass it on
I’m using it already RT @askvirginia: The other day @kittienumnums and I noticed the Pinterest iOS 8 extension sucks.