Wow, that was QUICK!

My dear mom offered to buy me the new glasses I need for my birthday, so I just went shopping for frames. This time around it was super-fast — I fell in love with the second pair of frames I tried on! Last time I went glasses shopping, it took almost a whole day to figure out which ones I liked best, so I was almost scared to commit so quickly. But these babies are GOOOOORGEOUS on me, I must say, and everything else I’ve tried on pales in comparison.

My favorite thing about these puppies (besides how hot they look on me) is the exquisitely cool Japanese design concept they employ. The temples are made of three horizontal layers of metal, which consist of a layer of flowers, a layer of stems, and a layer of leaves. So when you bow your head, the three layers all show and you see the whole botanical picture. The gal at the glasses shop is even going to see if they can swap the placement of the flowers and leaves for me so the leaves are more obvious, since that’s more my style.

The designer, Kamuro, only deals through the Seattle shop Ottica for their US distribution. A bunch of the frame styles are actually named after employees in the store — adorable. The ones I’m getting are an Ottica exclusive, but they’re very close to the luluwdy. The image here is a little different than mine — mine are black with dark grey and silver temples, so they’re a little more subtle.

The best part is that they’ll be ready super-soon, so I will probably be able to show them off on my birthday in a couple weeks. Ah, I love shopping, but I REALLY love instant gratification!

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