Let the countdown begin…


Safety in numbers:

4 spats with 3 coworkers, 2 of which were superiors, 1 of whom my direct superior, in less than 2 weeks, about 3 different topics, 1 fight of which was regarding a matter more than 4 months old.

Tick, tock… I have until the ninth and then I am free…. that’s 9 ½ calendar days, 7 ½ working days, 1 ½ more weeks… I’m not quite to the point of counting seconds, but just you wait…

I have never had tensions so high anywhere. Who KNEW I was SO popular and would be missed SO much? Certainly not I. Please save me from the lawyers. And their staff.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I just read “The Sun Also Rises and I pictured you as Brett the whole time. That makes no sense if you haven’t read it, but it’s a compliment. Well, if you’re complimented by having the ability to break every single dude’s heart that you know.

  2. Which I most definitely am. Take that, dudes.

    Okay, I’m going to add that book to my library hold list, because I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I still like being a heartbreaker.

    Also, everyone visit Susan’s blog. She is one of the Top Five Funniest People I Have Ever Met. She’s like either #1 or #2, probably. Hop to it.

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