
So yesterday, a friend and old coworker dropped by our office to say hi. She brought along her son. Who is HOTTTTT!!! I think I blushed brighter than my neon pink Post-It(TM) notes. And the kid is maybe nineteen, twenty – definitely legal, definitely still creepy. This is the first time I’ve ever been friends with anyone whose offspring I was attracted to. It was a confusing and strange moment, indeed.

And today, what did I do? I made ducksickles on my bus ride to work (made by taping duckie stickers to toothpicks, to be then stuck into the tops of cupcakes to make them more ducky and festive) to use at the baby shower I singlehandedly planned and threw for a different coworker/friend.

I feel like I’m the thousand-year-old spinster today (and I don’t even have any cats). It’s eerie. Ah well, at least I have an army of tiny ducks to keep me company.

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