Name Your Thing!

I spoke at AltConference 2017 about how to name things. Last year when I spoke at AltConf 2016, things went really well… and I was invited to speak again in 2017 on the spot! (And I accepted on the spot, haha.) I actually started brainstorming this talk right then and there, so I had an… Continue reading Name Your Thing!

My AltConf 2016 talk: Sell Out and Save the World!

Woohoo! I’m so excited! Last year I spoke at AltConf in San Francisco during Apple’s WWDC week. I’m really proud of the talk I gave I had refined it a bunch, tested it in front of different audiences, and poured a lot of my soul into it. (And yes, a lot of emojis.) It’s a… Continue reading My AltConf 2016 talk: Sell Out and Save the World!

Donut.JS lightning talk

Back in late May, I spoke at DonutJS, a totally rad Meetup organized by a bunch of Portland tech wonder-folk. It’s such a great and fun community! I highly encourage folks to attend and/or present if they’re in Portland and can swing it. This was my first-ever public speaking gig! OK, I guess second, since… Continue reading Donut.JS lightning talk

I suck at Photoshop

I’m trying to learn to become more independent in graphic design. I’m not remotely trained in any way. I’ve got an increasingly defined sense of design, although I’m just as susceptible to trends as the next blogger who suddenly decided that rounded corners were over yesterday. I finally got a copy of CS6 of my… Continue reading I suck at Photoshop

Eames obsession

Now that we’re about to be homeowners, with much more square footage to fill, I’ve started lustily browsing new furniture. I came across and subsequently fell in love with a new (to me) furniture designer — or rather, design duo — Charles and Ray Eames. Specifically, I’m obsessed with their office chairs. I stumbled upon… Continue reading Eames obsession

Ten reasons I haven’t blogged lately.

1) I got married. That was kind of busy. 2) I have a new job. It, of course, takes up a lot of my time, passion, energy, and tennis elbow quotient. But it’s loads of fun! I’m the French Linguistic QA Specialist at NCsoft, and I primarily focus on French-language text in Aion, a Korean-developed… Continue reading Ten reasons I haven’t blogged lately.

A new marketing concept I *don’t* hate!

We just spotted this little vehicle when we were at brunch this weekend. I normally don’t love cars that are totally 100% decked out in marketing hype — too flashy for my taste. However, Grant spotted this nifty little detail on the side: a built-in card holder! Kinda cool, different, and WAY more welcome than… Continue reading A new marketing concept I *don’t* hate!