Style Cure smorgasbord

I’ve been loosely following Apartment Therapy’s Style Cure, but a lot of their steps are either hard for me to complete or just don’t make sense given our plans. So I’ve skipped them… and then skipped other ones… and ultimately that sort of makes you not follow along at all. :) Well, now I’m stuck… Continue reading Style Cure smorgasbord

Design trends vs. personal aesthetics

I’m wearing a new coat today. I’m in love with my new coat. It was a splurge financially, even on clearance, and it’s impractical as all hell since my chubby arms don’t fit into it as well as I would like. But I bought it anyway for the glorious, high-contrast piping. I LOVE PIPING. (OK,… Continue reading Design trends vs. personal aesthetics

I was on House of Turquoise!

Back when Erin from House of Turquoise went on vacation in July, I had my humble little home office featured on her amazing blog. I got lots of helpful interesting input from fellow commenters, but I was bummed that I couldn’t actually post that that was happening here since my site was down at the… Continue reading I was on House of Turquoise!